Nov 25, 2024
Sit in with Chris, Rob and John as they disucss body hair, they get a little vulnerable and they take a look at how kids are different these days.
They also touch on home automation and wonder if you're into Christmas yet.
Nov 18, 2024
Chris, Rob and John urge you to shop (and dine) local in addition to discussing Scotch whiskey, comparing how long until they're each 50 (a continuation from Episode 345) and learning what else they can do with their library cards.
They also consider running for local government in a town none of them live and debate...
Nov 11, 2024
Hang with Chris, Rob and John as they catch up after 6 months, or 1 week, depending on your perspective.
They also remix a Timbaland tune for a contest courtesy of, and you get witness the entire process.
Nov 4, 2024
The NDA's have lifted and the boys can now finally talk about their weekend get together back on Memorial Day Weekend.
Listen in is they take you through a step by step account of the weekend's activities. They also delve into a little Jamestown, NY history (as known and interpolated by them, and incorrectly reported...