Jun 27, 2016
Sit in with Chris, Rob, Ben and John as they rant, rave, bob and weave in and out of the following topics:
Copa American Update / John’s USMNT Fan Rant
Dreger Addresses Stamkos Speculation Involving Sabres (todaysslapshot.com)
[Andrew Keh]: A Nice Gentleman From Pornhub Emails Us That Traffic To The Site “Dropped 47% in Cleveland At The End OF Last Night’s Historic Game 7”. (reddit.com / twitter.com)
Our Skype Gets Tapped
Two Trailers With 3,300 Cases OF Beer Stolen From Atlanta’s SweetWater Brewery (ajc.com)
Alesmith Creates Barrel Blending Space For Guests (beerstreetjournal.com)
Smith Falls, Ont. – Funeral Business Dissolves The Dead, Pours Them Into Town Sewers (cbc.ca)
…….and that’s only what we were TRYING to talk about.
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