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Oct 28, 2019

After a slightly rocky but hilarious start, Chris, Rob, John and Jim (with the help of Ben as the tie breaker), take 25 heavy metal songs they feel best capture the spirit of Halloween, and pare it down to the 10 best.  This is democracy at it's best.


The full playlist they worked from can be found in the link below,...

Oct 21, 2019

This week:  Rob hacks his own Spotify playlist, John is just waking up, Ben is sporting a stache and Chris is off his game.

All that said, they talk sports of alternate timelines, the MLB playoffs (that you now know the outcome of) of this timeline, Halloween TV specials and they practice bragging about themselves.


Oct 14, 2019

The boys are all over the map again this week talking about their preferred method of communication, an app that lets non-readers cheat at reading, some new PlutoTV channels, and how competition levels of professional sports have changed over time.

Also, Rob gives his thoughts on the newest Opeth record, they discuss...

Oct 7, 2019

This week Black Metal reviewer, content creator and mechanical engineer (yeah, that's right!) Kelly Tee sits in with the boys to chat about everything from her origins as a reviewer up through the preconceptions of what people think you should listen to based on your look.

This is a don't miss!!

You can find Kelly...